Manana Doijashvili

Manana Doijashvili


Famous Georgian pianist, professor of piano and Vice-Rector at the Vano Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire, prize-winner of the international competitions, Director of the “Georgian Music Competitions Fund” Manana Doijashvili carries out intense performing, teaching and social activities.

She graduated from the Tbilisi State Conservatoire under Professor Tengiz Amirejibi. Her successful participation and victory at such international competitions as the G. Enescu International Competition in Bucharest (1970), the B. Smetana Competition (1974) and the First International Piano Competition in Sydney, Australia (1977) as well as the appearances at the major music festivals brought her worldwide recognition.

She has appeared in a great number of significant venues of the world, like; “Atheneum” in Bucharest, Great and Small Halls of the P.Tchaikovsky Moscow Conservatory, Philharmonic Grand Hall in St.Petersburg, “Gewandhaus” in Leipzig, “Mozarteum’ in Salzburg, Opera House  in Sydney, “Finland Hall” in Helsinki, “Albenis Hall” in Granados and many others.

Mrs. Doijashvili has a vast discography of solo programs, and performances with chamber and symphony orchestras. Her recordings have been preserved in the Golden Fund of the Georgian Radio.

Under her initiative and leadership the Grand Hall of the Conservatoire has been restored and brought back to musical life. M. Doijashvili herself has become the organizer and inspirer of the “competition movement” in Georgia. She has founded three music competitions in Georgia, including: the Georgian Competition of Musician- Performers (1995), Tbilisi International Piano Competition (1997) (a member-competition of the WFIMC since 2002) and the Fryderyk Chopin Competition of Young Pianists (2008).

In 1997, under her initiative the annual international music festival “New Year Music Celebrations” was, also, established.

Manana Doijashvili is the recipient of such awards, prizes and titles, as: People’s Artist of Georgia; “Order of Merit”, the Presidential “Order of Excellence”; Z. Paliashvili and the Rustaveli State Prizes, the Prize of the Russian Performing Art Fund, “Officier dans l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres” conferred by Republic of France, “The Star of Solidarity of Italy” awarded by the President of Italy, Honorary title of “Envoy of Peace”, conferred by UNO “Peace Embassy”.

She is frequently invited to significant international piano competitions and festivals as a jury member, honorary guest or a chairman. Among them: Trans-Caucasian (Armenia), Fryderyk Chopin (Warsaw, Poland), Arthur Rubinstein (Israel), Alessandro Cassagrande (Italy), Aram Khachaturian (Armenia), Pavel Serebriakov (Russia), Feruccio Busoni(Italy), UNISA (South Africa), Rodos (Greece), Fryderyk Chopin (Jugoslavia), Xiamen (China), Grand-Prix Animato (Paris, France),  Prize Iturbi (Valencia, Spain), In memory of Vladimir Horowitz (Ukraine) Maria Canals (Spain), Franz Liszt (Weimar, Beiruth, Germany), Sydney (Australia), Indianapolis International Competition (USA) and many more.